by Mark Ashworth | Oct 27, 2017 | Uncategorised
‘Time to Remember ‘service. Sat 4th November 4pm. Please join us for this very special service to remember those special to us who have passed away. Service followed by refreshments in hall. A Time to Remember flyer
by Mark Ashworth | Oct 27, 2017 | Uncategorised
Do you enjoy Pre-school children’s company? Could you spare 2hrs on a Tuesday Morning from 9.30am. If you can answer “Yes” to these questions please contact Helen Stickland. Thank you, again in anticipation!
by Mark Ashworth | Oct 27, 2017 | Uncategorised
SMART Group desperately need someone to make and serve Refreshments for them on 31st October and 14th November, from 9.45am – 11am as Petra will be away. If you can help, please contact Helen Stickland 01932 227125/07956 356 588.
by Mark Ashworth | Oct 20, 2017 | Uncategorised
We are now accepting donations for our Winter Fair (Sat 18th Nov 11am-2pm). Please bring your donations of jams, cakes (if they can be frozen, otherwise bring the day before fair)) books, brica-brac, gifts, toiletries, jewellery, hand made items, decorations, toys...
by Mark Ashworth | Oct 20, 2017 | Uncategorised
Helen Stickland is selling Fairtrade chocolate Advent calendars at £5 each- £2.99 to Traidcraft, £1.01to SMO. Please sign up on one of the lists (in hall, in Church or by back door) to reserve a calendar. Or contact the parish office.