We believe this should be the basis for our current and future partnerships.
In view of this, we have agreed to work with the following partners for a three-month period. The Walton and Hersham Food Bank, The Leprosy Mission, The Bible Society and Elmbridge Rentstart. Each of these partners will not only be prayerfully and financially supported with 5% of our annual giving, they will also be given the opportunity to raise awareness about their work and recruit volunteers from our membership. Each partner will also have a dedicated Champion in our congregation.
In addition to these partners, we will continue to support the MacMillan Cancer especially through the annual Coffee morning.
To support Christian Aid as well as other activities and collections for the Disasters Emergency Committee. We will encourage all our members to be involved in various other activities and events that promote peace, cohesion and love of God and others. In doing this we hope to play our part in building God’s Kingdom of love, peace and compassion.