30th June 2024 @ 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
St Mary Oatlands Church
Oatlands Avenue Weybridge Surrey KT13 9TS
Parish Office
01932 231274

Reverend Folli’s Final Service Sunday, 30th June, will be Revd Folli’s final day and service at St Mary Oatlands.

Join us for the 10 am service of Holy Communion. Followed by a ‘Bring & Share’ lunch on the Church lawn (in the church hall in case of bad weather). A time of food, fellowship, and memories as we celebrate Revd Folli’s extraordinary ministry and friendship here at St Mary Oatlands and wish the Olokose family a very fond ‘au revoir’. Please use the signup sheet at the back of the church to let us know you are coming.

Memory Book: There will be a memory book for messages rather than a ‘leaving card’. The book will be available each Sunday.

Leaving Gift: If you would like to contribute towards a gift for Revd Folli, please use the link  https://pay.collctiv.com/rev-follis-leaving-gift-9969 Alternatively, you can pay into the Church bank account using the reference “Folli”.

Please do not contribute using the SumUp machines in the Church (we cannot link any receipts to this particular appeal). Cash is also accepted. Please see Brian S (Treasurer) or Liz Davies (Church Warden).

Thank you.